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Wolfgang Rumstadt


Violin • Viola

Hello, my name is Wolfgang Rumstadt, but since I have lived in America since 1998 I just go by Wolf.

I’m here with the GP-Music Academy teaching violin. I live in GP, and enjoy playing in the Grosse Pointe Orchestra and sometimes in the Oakland Symphony Orchestra as my favorite hobby.

When I reached 3rd grade my parents thought it was about time to learn an instrument! As I'm one out of seven children and my 2 older siblings had already mastered the Cello and Piano, it was decided that I pick up the violin. Thanks to the consistent gentle encouragement from mostly my mom :-) I kept at it.

The joy really started right when I made it into the school orchestra, in 5th grade. Not just practicing anymore at home only just for myself or performing on these mostly nerve-racking recitals. Playing weekly in an orchestra with ~ 25 students was such an awarding feeling.

My first trip to America was with that same school orchestra, as we had just recorded our very first record - Vivaldi: The four seasons - and got invited from our sister city in Lancaster Pennsylvania, I was 17 and in 12th grade. It was the event of our life being allowed to represent my hometown playing in various churches and orchestra halls in Lancaster - and while we had a guided tour through Carnegie Hall, we got to play for 60 seconds in that famous Hall

Throughout high school, university and professional work life, I always had and have played the violin as it serves as an important balance, making friends in an orchestra setting is very easy. I got to experience this in my 7 years living in Luxembourg and ever since I moved to Michigan.

The beauty of playing the violin is that there are so many endless opportunities for playing in a small group, in solo ensembles, all the schools here in MI have programs for young students, my favorite is the amazing OYO (Oakland Youth Orchestra), as it has always openings for any level in the 4 orchestras, as soon as we have reached a good basis.

Having 2 daughters playing violin and viola (currently at UoM) as a hobby makes me happy and proud as the reward from teaching brings so much joy - and this is what I would like to pass on to any potential student, find that joy in playing and developing the skills and nourish the talent to be eventually find them sitting in that orchestra.

Wolfgang Rumstadt